Family Support Program

Offer group-based support using evidence-based parent support programs

  • Webster Stratton Incredible Years for primary age young people.
  • Take 3 for secondary age young people.
  • Triple P Online – available for primary and teenage young people
  • Cygnet for parents of neurodiverse young people.

Thank you so much [cluster worker], your brilliant, I really can’t thank you enough for your help and support. I don’t know what we would have done without you! The families you help are very lucky!
Parenting following Family Support Work Intervention

“yes I definitely feel more confident. At one point I felt so low because I couldn’t think of anything to help but now I don’t feel like that in the slightest and I am able to help so much more now”
Parent asked whether they feel more confident meeting their childs needs following Cygnet course. 

Family Support Work

Offer in the home family support where support needs require a more intensive level of support based on the above evidence-based programs.

“Hey [Cluster worker], I just wanted to thank you for all the support, help and encouragement you gave me, you are an amazing person and I will be forever grateful 😀 I was sad to see you leave yesterday but I know you will be brilliant with your new families and I wish you all the luck
Parent following Family Support Work Intervention 

I found the weekly support very useful and liked the analysis of the behavior, which allowed me to think about how to react and what strategies needed to be used or reviewed. I feel more confident in being able to parent my child. My child has more respect and isn’t ‘crossing the line’ as often, behavior is no longer escalating to a point where I can’t control the situation. I felt that the ADHD resources were a great help, particularly as my child is still waiting to be triaged for an ND Assessment at CaMHS
Parent following Family Support Work Intervention 

“Thank you both for all your support, it has completely changed our family and how we are all parenting and has made home so much better. You are amazing..
Parenting following Family Support Work Intervention

Play Therapy / Emotional Wellbeing Work

Typically aimed at the Primary age cohort, this is a therapeutic approach that acknowledges that play is the natural language of children. Through play and creative arts,  it provides a safe and supportive environment for children to process their emotions and experiences in an age appropriate way.

“He’s really enjoyed it, such a positive experience. Whatever it was giving him, was really positive. You have been really important to him. He is now letting himself feel the sadness at the end, whereas he used to not want to acknowledge it.He’s managing things, not blaming and getting angry at himself when things aren’t exactly as he would like. [He] has been so creative at home, the last couple of months.

He is doing really well going into school, being positive about school and not saying that he’s hating it. The attitude [about school] Is the best it’s ever been.”
Primary age Young Person and parent following Cluster Play Therapy / EWW

“he seems far more settled. “I’ve got my little boy back. “His teacher said that he’d complemented on how he’d managed his emotions, got an award. He used to over apologise and now can do the opposite”.
Parent following Play Therapy support.

“Hero [cluster worker], you used to be my teacher but you left. I will never forget you, you helped me so much”.
Child on a hand drawn thank you letter following Play Therapy / Emotional Wellbeing Support

Talk Therapy in school

Pudsey cluster has BACP registered counsellors commissioned from BARCA Leeds ( These staff are highly skilled in engaging and supporting young people in a 1-2-1 setting and allowing them to work on aspects such as anger issues, grief and loss, trauma or negative thoughts, feelings or moods. This work takes place on a 6-8 session intervention model.

“I had someone who listened to me and actually understood what I had said. If you are feeling low I would suggest coming here as it is a place that can help you get everything off your mind. I felt listened to and understood and felt like I could actually talk about my feelings”.
Young Person following Counselling support.

“I am really going to miss this so much. I feel a lot calmer and less worried about other people. I am starting back at my martial arts club and looking forward to my future. My confidence is much better”.
Young Person following accessing Counselling support.

“I did not expect young person to talk about his feelings the way he did with you, that alone seems to be a huge weight taken from him. Thank you”.
Parent following young person accessing counselling 

“me and my mum talk more and I don’t react to everything negatively. It has helped me to come here and talk about things and not bottle them up.”
Young Person following Counselling support


This is commissioned from Northpoint (Our work and impact – Northpoint – Northpoint | Mental health. It’s what we do.) and is a guided, online self-help program for young people aged 13+ and for parents and includes subjects such as managing anxiety and ADHD (for teens) as well as supporting parents with anxiety issues, parenting anxious young people and parents of young people with ADHD.

“In regards to the programme I’ve learned everything I needed to know in terms of my mental health and I’m now having a fresh start and feel better about everything and I wanted to say thank you for all of your help, I truly appreciate it.”
Young person following Silvercloud intervention

“At the end of the programme I feel much more confident at challenging the obsessions and compulsions and although I’m not completely better, feel like I’m getting myself back on track, so thanks for that”
Young person following Silvercloud intervention